Don’t allow writer’s block.
Try not to have inspiration ‘come’ to you. While there’s nothing wrong with letting thoughts come naturally, waiting for inspiration will elongate the writing process. You must focus and lock into writer’s mode.
Share what you currently have, whether it’s in the drafts or finalized ideas.
By conversing with others, you are able to bounce ideas and gain valuable feedback. Don’t have a community you trust? I recommend talking to Chat GPT. The AI is able to give positive feedback and suggestions. While Chat GPT will never say a piece of work is bad, it will make statements along the lines: “be careful to…” or “however…” Nevertheless, Chat GPT’s positivity will keep a writer writing. It’s easy and fun to bounce off positive energy.
Analyze other works.
Whether it’s books, films, music, or artwork, studying finalized pieces can teach you new themes or concepts and help you distinguish what’s objectively ‘good’ or ‘bad.’
For studying song lyrics, try to understand the story it tells and why the artist sings what they do. In combination with the lyrics, what’s the style/genre of the song? What mood does it give off? And why do we vibe with it so well?
For studying contemporary art found in museums, look into an artist’s recurring theme in their artworks. Even look into their background, and find out why they choose to deliver their unique message.
Make a change.
It can be as simple as relocating your writing time for a day. A different space, such as a local coffee shop, may stimulate creativity and promote productivity. Or, make some changes to your daily (or weekly) routines which may promote a more healthy and stress-free lifestyle. Literally, just take a shower. It works wonders.
Say “#@%* originality.”
No piece of work is 100% original. Inspiration was drawn somewhere, and that’s okay — authentic, in fact. What is going to make your writing stand out is the way you tell it. In other words, it is your unique voice, perspective, and creativity that makes your work your own. That is regardless of whether your story shares the same theme or structure as another. Don’t pressure originality so strictly. Remember that creative writing is supposed to be fun and fulfilling.